الاثنين، 16 مايو 2011


Orson Welles, as judge Rauch, holds a lengthy trial against Jess Tyler, a caretaker deserted by his wife ten years before...
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Orson Welles, as judge Rauch, holds a lengthy trial against Jess Tyler, a caretaker deserted by his wife ten years before, who's accused of improper relations with his daughter Kady. Complications follows when Wash, father of Kady's baby, comes back to take her away. Written by Adalberto Fornario

Il giudice Rauch deve dirimere un difficile processo contro Jess Tyler, il guardiano della miniera, abbandonato dieci anni prima dalla moglie, accusato di rapporti intimi con la giovane, attraente e fin! troppo vivace figlia Kady. La faccenda si complica quando in paese arriva Wash, padre del neonato di Kady, arrivato per portarla via con se. Written by rosebud6

Genres: Crime Drama

Release year: 1982

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